0:15 | Disc 1 in New Guinea. Alfred Russel Wallace describes |
7:20 |
Greater Bird of Paradise male "bows": head down |
7:25 |
Greater Bird of Paradise female lets male strike her |
8:00 |
Greater Bird of Paradise mating |
9:00 | Male tries to court immature male |
10:10 | 16th century drawings; 200 years later; Wallace drawings: 12-wired, sicklebill |
12:00 |
Black Sicklebill male |
14:40 |
Black Sicklebill female |
16:10 |
King of Saxony Bird of Paradise male long plumes calling, dancing, tries to mate with tuft of moss |
18:50 | mating |
20:10 |
Macgregor's Bird of Paradise male and female look the same - monogamous in poor environment |
21:30 |
Superb Bird of Paradise male in lower altitudes with rich resources, sexual dimorphic |
21:00 |
Superb Bird of Paradise female |
23:10 |
Pheasant Pigeon trespasses on territory of |
23:30 |
Wilson's Bird of Paradise male has blue bald head, clears stage for |
25:15 |
Wilson's Bird of Paradise female (Batanta) |
29:00 |
Arfak parrotia clears stage for dancing |
31:13 |
Arfak parrotia female (Arfak mountains) |
33:00 |
Flame Bowerbird hoard jewels in bowers, are polygamous |
34:40 |
Macgregor's Bowerbird male decorates "maypole" with green lichen |
36:00 |
Macgregor's Bowerbird female rears young by herself |
36:40 |
Vogelkop Bowerbird male has no crest, but builds elaborate bower |
40:55 |
Splendid Astrapia has glossy throats |
41:20 |
Ribbon-tailed Astrapia male has long tails, but |
41:40 |
Ribbon-tailed Astrapia female has short tails |
42:00 |
King Bird of Paradise is acrobatic juggler: "the pendulum" |
43:40 |
Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise mating ritual: quill flick, beak poke with |
48:40 |
Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise female |
49:30 |
Wallace's Standardwing males display in groups at dawn (Halmahera) |
49:50 |
Wallace's Standardwing female |
1:20 | Disc 2 in Australia.
Western Bowerbird male constructs bower and dances for |
2:40 |
Western Bowerbird female |
3:30 |
Superb Lyrebird flaunts tail feathers |
3:50 |
Tragopan has wattles |
4:00 |
Guianan Cock-of-the-rock wears a cocked hat |
6:15 |
Tooth-billed Bowerbird displays leaves with pale side up; stolen by neighbor; mimics songs of others; plays hide and seek with |
6:35 |
Tooth-billed Bowerbird female |
11:00 | In New Guinea. King of Saxony Bird of Paradise feathers collected by
Archbold's Bowerbird male with yellow crest |
12:40 |
Archbold's Bowerbird female |
13:30 |
Macgregor's Bowerbird constructs elaborate "maypole" around fern; tries to be polygamist |
17:30 | Andy Goldsworthy "environmental artist" |
21:00 | In Australian rainforest: two maypoles |
23:25 |
Golden Bowerbird male plays peekapoo with |
24:30 |
Golden Bowerbird female |
26:00 | Tree smashed 22-year-old bower; male builds another one |
27:00 | In New Guinea mountains |
27:25 |
Vogelkop Bowerbird bowers next to each other |
30:10 | In Australia: simple "avenue" bower built by |
30:50 |
Regent Bowerbird male with elaborate plumage |
31:00 |
Regent Bowerbird female |
33:30 |
Satin Bowerbird male builds taller avenue bower and paints by chewing leaves |
35:35 |
Satin Bowerbird female; neighbor steals jewels |
36:40 | In Australian desert:
Western Bowerbird bower vandalized by rival |
38:10 |
Great Bowerbird males build big avenue bower together in cemetery, army barracks, school yard |
14:30 | The Song of the Earth
Great Tit male territorial song |
18:20 |
Superb Lyrebird mimics kookaburra, whistles, car alarm, chainsaw (Australia) |
17:00 |
Indian Peafowl male displays for |
17:30 |
Indian Peafowl female |
18:20 | In Lake Kvismaren, Sweden |
18:30 |
Great Reed Warbler male sings up to 45 different syllables |
32:20 | In Sumatra jungle:
Siamang Gibbon male territorial call, strengthen family bond; joined by |
36:00 |
Siamang Gibbon female |
| |
 7:20 Greater Bird of Paradise |
 7:25 Greater Bird of Paradise |
 8:00 Greater Bird of Paradise |
 12:00 Black Sicklebill |
 14:40 Black Sicklebill |
 16:10 King of Saxony Bird of Paradise |
 20:10 Macgregor's Bird of Paradise |
 21:30 Superb Bird of Paradise |
 21:00 Superb Bird of Paradise |
 23:10 Pheasant Pigeon |
 23:30 Wilson's Bird of Paradise |
 25:15 Wilson's Bird of Paradise |
 29:00 Arfak parrotia |
 31:13 Arfak parrotia |
 33:00 Flame Bowerbird |
 34:40 Macgregor's Bowerbird |
 36:00 Macgregor's Bowerbird |
 36:40 Vogelkop Bowerbird |
 40:55 Splendid Astrapia |
 41:20 Ribbon-tailed Astrapia |
 41:40 Ribbon-tailed Astrapia |
 42:00 King Bird of Paradise |
 43:40 Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise |
 48:40 Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise |
 49:30 Wallace's Standardwing |
 49:50 Wallace's Standardwing |
 1:20 Western Bowerbird |
 2:40 Western Bowerbird |
 3:30 Superb Lyrebird |
 3:50 Tragopan |
 4:00 Guianan Cock-of-the-rock |
 6:15 Tooth-billed Bowerbird |
 6:35 Tooth-billed Bowerbird |
 11:00 Archbold's Bowerbird |
 12:40 Archbold's Bowerbird |
 13:30 Macgregor's Bowerbird |
 23:25 Golden Bowerbird |
 24:30 Golden Bowerbird |
 27:25 Vogelkop Bowerbird |
 30:50 Regent Bowerbird |
 31:00 Regent Bowerbird |
 33:30 Satin Bowerbird |
 35:35 Satin Bowerbird |
 36:40 Western Bowerbird |
 38:10 Great Bowerbird |
 14:30 Great Tit |
 18:20 Superb Lyrebird |
 17:00 Indian Peafowl |
 17:30 Indian Peafowl |
 18:30 Great Reed Warbler |
 32:20 Siamang Gibbon |
 36:00 Siamang Gibbon |