0:40 |
Bristlecone Pine oldest |
1:10 |
Bamboo fastest growing - 30 meters in 90 days |
5:30 |
Boston Ivy climbs with suckers |
6:20 |
Cat's Claw Creeper has hooks in its tendrils |
6:50 |
Passion Flower tendrils flail in midair to find anchor point |
7:45 | Air plants grow on other trees; exposed roots absorb rainwater and trap decaying leaves |
9:40 |
Sundew gives off sweet fragrance, traps emergent mosquito with sticky tentacles to obtain nitrogen |
12:00 |
Venus Flytrap gives off fragrant nectar across leaves with 6 tiny hairs. Fly touches 2 hairs within 20-second timer and triggers electrical impulse |
15:00 |
Venus Flytrap flowers attract pollinators; 80% of plant species have flowers. |
17:00 |
Sunflower warmed by sun, pollinated by bees (southern France) |
17:45 |
Richea Honeybush flower petals fuse, enclosing stamens to survive Antarctic winds (Cradle Mountain, Tasmania) |
18:40 |
Black Currawong rips open outer casing got nectar, exposing stamens to pollinating insects |
19:15 |
Monarch Butterfly egg laid on
Sandhill Milkweed (sandy meadows of Florida) |
20:30 | Latex can drown
Monarch Butterfly larva |
21:00 |
Monarch Butterfly caterpillar chews through main vein of milkweed to drain sap. |
22:00 |
Monarch Butterfly adult walks on milkweed flower, feet carry away pollen (California) |
22:30 |
Heliconia has tiny flowers; only the
Purple-throated Carib Hummingbird can reach nectar (Dominica, Caribbean) |
24:20 |
Candelabra Flower waits more than a year for rain to bloom, then wither |
26:00 |
Candelabra Flower inflorescence cartwheels like tumbleweed to disperse seeds, which immediately germinate (Africa) |
27:00 |
Alsomitra seeds glide on wings like flying wing aircraft (Borneo) |
29:15 |
Saguaro Cactus blooms at night to attract bats; each flower lasts one night; may produce 40 million seeds in lifetime. |
31:10 | Thousands of
Saguaro Cactus seeds enclosed in succulent fruit, dispersed by
White-winged Dove ,
ants and
tortoise (Sonoran Desert, Arizona) |
33:25 |
Dragon Blood Tree absorbs morning mist that condenses and funnels down its leaves, and shades soil with crown (Socotra Island, Arabian Sea) |
35:25 |
Socotra Desert Rose |
36:15 |
Red Mangrove roots submerged in seawater at high tide Pores on roots filter out salt; sacrificial leaves concentrate remaining salt and are dropped (Australia) |
38:00 |
Deciduous trees make antifreeze as chlorophyll disappears |
39:45 |
Pine trees make antifreeze in leaves as well as sap, can survive -40& |
41:15 |
Bristlecone Pine needles live at over 3000 meters, can last more than 30 years, reach over 5000 years old |
42:55 |
White Water Lily is reborn in spring |
44:50 |
Grass make up 20% of all plant life |
45:00 |
Rice |
46:00 |
Wheat |
| |
 0:40 Bristlecone Pine |
 1:10 Bamboo |
 5:30 Boston Ivy |
 6:20 Cat's Claw Creeper |
 6:50 Passion Flower |
 9:40 Sundew |
 12:00 Venus Flytrap |
 15:00 Venus Flytrap flowers |
 17:00 Sunflower |
 17:45 Richea Honeybush |
 18:40 Black Currawong |
 19:15 Monarch Butterfly egg |
 19:15 Sandhill Milkweed |
 20:30 Monarch Butterfly larva |
 21:00 Monarch Butterfly caterpillar |
 22:00 Monarch Butterfly |
 22:30 Heliconia |
 22:30 Purple-throated Carib Hummingbird |
 24:20 Candelabra Flower |
 26:00 Candelabra Flower inflorescence |
 27:00 Alsomitra |
 29:15 Saguaro Cactus |
 31:10 Saguaro Cactus seeds |
 31:10 White-winged Dove |
 31:10 ants |
 31:10 tortoise |
 33:25 Dragon Blood Tree |
 35:25 Socotra Desert Rose |
 36:15 Red Mangrove |
 38:00 Deciduous trees |
 39:45 Pine |
 41:15 Bristlecone Pine needles |
 42:55 White Water Lily |
 44:50 Grass |
 45:00 Rice |
 46:00 Wheat |