1:50 Mongolian Gazelles |
 6:15 Red-Billed Quelea |
 7:40 Blue Wildebeests (East Africa Savanna) |
 9:40 Snow Goose migrate |
 12:40 Arctic Fox raids nest, buries egg in stash |
 14:45 Caribou migrating |
 17:00 Gray Wolf |
 18:20 Snow Goose hatchlings |
 18:20 Arctic Fox |
 21:25 American Bison |
 23:20 Ostriches |
 25:30 Wild Yak |
 27:16 Tibetan Wild Ass |
 29:05 Himalayan Pika |
 29:05 Hume's Ground Tit |
 29:05 Snowfinches |
 30:03 Tibetan Fox |
 32:25 Elephant Grass is tallest in the world |
 33:00 Lesser Florican courship display over high grass |
 33:27 Indian Rhinoceros also feeds on grass |
 33:40 Pigmy Hog builds nest of grass |
 37:10 African Forest Elephant |
 37:10 Lions take over water hole at night; hunt elephant calf |
 45:30 Baboons wade into water to feed |