5:20 Humboldt Squid (Red Devil) |
 7:30 Octopus captures shark |
 12:00 Red Devil harvested for food |
 18:30 Red Devils cannibalize each other |
 25:00 Cuttlefish conditioned to write "X" on their backs |
 26:30 Cuttlefish can also change texture and shape for camouflage |
 26:40 Mimic Octopus |
 26:50 Common Octopus |
 26:55 Common Octopus camouflaged as coral |
 27:20 Chromatophores |
 27:50 Reef Squid |
 29:45 Two Red Devils flash out of phase |
 33:00 Small sneaker male cuttlefish impersonates a female |
 36:00 Red Devil has large retina |
 36:30 Can see polarized light |