10:00 Rainbow Sea Star has 5-part symmetry |
 10:35 Sea Urchin has 5-part sphere |
 10:45 Sea Cucumber has 5-part tube |
 11:50 Nerve ring |
 13:30 Purple Sea Urchins |
 13:30 Giant Kelp |
 13:30 barren plain |
 16:45 Sea Cucumber feeds on sand and excretes |
 19:15 Leopard Sea Cuke defends with poison strands ejected from anus |
 19:50 Spiny Brittle Star |
 19:50 Brittle Star carpet |
 29:00 Bat Stars fight for dominance |
 32:00 skin gills |
 32:00 tube feet |
 32:00 sieve plate (madreporite ) |
 32:00 light-sensing receptor at tip of arm |
 35:30 Giant Sea Star climbs pylon to attack mussels, |
 35:30 digests with extended stomach |
 35:30 digest prey |
 40:50 Sunflower Starfish |
 48:20 Feather Star (Comatulid crinoid) |