Corals are protected by a hard, limestone skeleton, but bumphead parrot fish bite straight through rock and coral with their powerful jaws. These fish erode the coral and the material they swallow comes out the other end as fine sand. On a single reef they can produce tonnes of sand every year. This soft sand forms beautiful tropical white beaches and eventually creates tropical islands!
A sinister crown of thorns starfish slides on to a coral, spreads its stomach over the polyps and digests them whole. The only protection
a coral can hope for is a small crab which takes up residence in the coral's branches and uses its pincers to nip the starfish to see it
Night on the reef is a tough time. Moray eels slither around the corals hunting by smell. Whitetip sharks use their electrical sense to
trace any movement in the sleeping fish. Feeding frenzies disturb the otherwise eerie calm of the reef.
An entire reef can be destroyed by one big storm: hundreds of years of growth wiped out in a few hours. But out at sea, new life continues
to develop and, in time, coral larvae return to colonise the rubble and a new reef grows on the wasteland.
![Scleractinia Scleractinia](Scleractinia.jpg) 1:50 Coral |
![Spirobranchus Spirobranchus](Spirobranchus.jpg) 3:30 Christmas Tree Worm |
![Epiphelinae Epiphelinae](Epiphelinae.jpg) 4:10 Grouper? |
![Eretmochelys imbricata Eretmochelys imbricata](Eretmochelys_imbricata.jpg) 4:10 Hawksbill Turtle? |
![Labroides Labroides](Labroides.jpg) 4:10 Cleaner Wrasse |
![Rhincodon typus Rhincodon typus](Rhincodon_typus.jpg) 4:55 Whale Sharks |
![CORAL CORAL](CORAL-PIGMENTS.JPG) 6:55 pigments seen in UV light |
![Chaetodontidae Chaetodontidae](Chaetodontidae.jpg) 9:00 Butterflyfish |
![POLYP POLYP](POLYP-TENTACLES.JPG) 9:15 Coral polyps emerge at night |
![POLYP POLYP](POLYP-FIGHT.JPG) 10:10 Coral polyps fight |
![Acanthaster planci Acanthaster planci](Acanthaster_planci.jpg) 11:40 Crown-of-Thorns Starfish |
![Trapezia cymodoce Trapezia cymodoce](Trapezia_cymodoce.jpg) 11:40 Sangogani Crab? |
![Bolbometopon muricatum Bolbometopon muricatum](Bolbometopon_muricatum.jpg) 13:25 Humphead Parrotfish |
![Onychoprion fuscatus Onychoprion fuscatus](Onychoprion_fuscatus.jpg) 15:25 Sooty Tern?s |
![Carangidae Carangidae](Carangidae.jpg) 16:40 Jacks |
![Menidia Menidia](Menidia.jpg) 16:40 Silversides |
![Synalpheus Synalpheus](Synalpheus.jpg) 17:55 Snapping Shrimp? queen |
![Polychaeta Polychaeta](Polychaeta.jpg) 19:00 Polychete Worm |
![Plectropomus Plectropomus](Plectropomus.jpg) 20:40 Red-mouthed Grouper? |
![Nemateleotris Nemateleotris](Nemateleotris.jpg) 20:40 Dartfish |
![Pterois volitans Pterois volitans](Pterois_volitans.jpg) 21:15 Lionfish |
![Hymenocera picta Hymenocera picta](Hymenocera_picta.jpg) 22:25 Harlequin Shrimp |
![Asteroida Asteroida](Asteroida.jpg) 22:25 Seastar |
![Acanthurus leucosternon Acanthurus leucosternon](Acanthurus_leucosternon.jpg) 23:45 Powder Blue Tang |
![Acanthurus triostegus Acanthurus triostegus](Acanthurus_triostegus.jpg) 23:45 Convict Tangs |
![Euryalida Euryalida](Euryalida.jpg) 26:15 Basket Star |
![Potamotrygon hystrix Potamotrygon hystrix](Potamotrygon_hystrix.jpg) 27:40 Mottled Ray |
![Carcharhinus longimanus Carcharhinus longimanus](Carcharhinus_longimanus.jpg) 28:50 Oceanic Whitetip Shark |
![Acanthurus nigrofuscus Acanthurus nigrofuscus](Acanthurus_nigrofuscus.jpg) 31:40 Brown Surgeon Fish |
![Pterocaesio Pterocaesio](Pterocaesio.jpg) 33:10 Fusiliers |
![Micrognathus crinitus Micrognathus crinitus](Micrognathus_crinitus.jpg) 32:55 Banded Pipefish |
![Metasepia pfefferi Metasepia pfefferi](Metasepia_pfefferi.jpg) 36:45 Flamboyant Cuttlefish |
![Megaptera novaeangliae Megaptera novaeangliae](Megaptera_novaeangliae.jpg) 38:00 Humpback Whale |
![CORAL CORAL](CORAL-SPAWN.JPG) 40:00 Coral spawning |
![Homarus americanus Homarus americanus](Homarus_americanus.jpg) 43:20 Atlantic Lobster?s |
![REEF REEF](REEF-STORM.JPG) 45:05 Reef destruction from storm |