NOVA: The Unknown World (2005) | Index |
4:50 | Hair Follicle Mite lives in scalp and eyelashes - have a taste for mascara | 6:00 | We shed 1.5 million skin flakes every hour, makes up 90% of dust on floor | 7:30 | House Dust Mite eats skin flake |
10:40 | Common Clothes Moth larva is fond of wool and cotton, mature into | 11:20 | Common Clothes Moth adult | 11:30 | Fur Beetle eats fur with jaws between eyes |
14:00 | Silverfish prefer old yellow paper, break down cellulose | 15:00 | Pseudoscorpion lives on diet of | 15:30 | Book Louse |
16:00 | Museum Beetle eats one hair at a time, also likes dried insects; is the scourge of every curator | 19:00 | Old House Borer larva eats holes in wood | 19:40 | Black Carpenter Ant tunnels through wood to make nest |
22:00 | Skin cells divide to form new layer over scab | 22:40 | 100,000 billion bacteria in human body, lpay essential role in digestion in intestines | 23:30 | Other bacteria attack teeth, cuasing cavities and plague |
25:00 | Macrophage is big eater (including asbestos fiber); make up pus when dead | 29:00 | Cold virus leave mast cells | 30:25 | Lymphocytes bombard enemy with antibodies |
31:00 | HIV virus infects lymphocytes | 31:40 | Snail fever parasite need snail intermediate host, sucks our blood cells | 33:00 | Female attached to larger male; eggs leave in urine |
33:30 | Plasmodium is malaria parasite transmitted by mosquito | 35:40 | Scale Insect | 36:00 | Aphids herded by |
36:40 | ants | 37:00 | preyed by ladybug | 37:10 | Red Predator Mite hitches a ride |
37:25 | Hoverfly larva sucks aphid, leaving empty shell | 38:00 | Shield Bug attacks caterpillar | 39:00 | Stag Beetle males battle |
41:00 | Ants nest in fern leaves | 42:25 | Venus Flytrap | 42:20 | Digitalis sap has glue that traps aphids |
42:30 | Potato plant has long fibers to prevent aphid from reaching juice | 42:50 | Plant bug has special claws to walk across leaf | 47:00 | Water Flea give live birth |
58:20 | Dove decays |
Index | Oct 26, 2011 | ![]() |