567 of 1002 CHICAGO/2017_04_21   Apr 23, 2017 Herrick Lake Forest Preserve   CHICAGO/2017_04_24 569 of 1002
(Virginia Ctenuchid Moth) caterpillar
Virginia Ctenuchid Moth
Ctenucha virginica
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(Eastern Comma) dorsal
Eastern Comma
Polygonia comma
(Eastern Comma) ventral
Eastern Comma
Polygonia comma
(Tree Swallow) calling flight
Tree Swallow
Tachycineta bicolor
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(Tree Swallow) singing
Tree Swallow
Tachycineta bicolor
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(Brown Thrasher) singing
Brown Thrasher
Toxostoma rufum
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Biotic species by taxon: Land Birds, Butterflies, Moths

Peter 2.0 root Root 6 photos this page; 2 new species iNaturalist iNaturalist
CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0